NOTE: the peak/hold/warning Greddy boost gauge uses the SAME sensor, so you can share that sensor's output with the E-manage. Whether or not you need this is a tough question – it's really best to run the car without it first and see if you're maxing out the stock airflow meter signal before investing in the pressure sensor. This is primarily used when you've overrun the capacity of the stock airflow meter. With it, you can tune your fuel maps with this sensor's output as the basis for tuning instead of the car's airflow signal input. Greddy Pressure Sensor – This is a 3-bar air pressure sensor add-on. With this you can alter the car's ignition timing. Optional Ignition Harness – This splices into the car's timing input, from a crank angle sensor, cam angle sensor, or the like. The injector harness is just some wires with ends crimped on them that you add to the main E-manage plug. If the total is less than 12, buy just the ignition harness and add the extra wires to the main E-manage plug for your injector harness. Make sure to add 2 wires to the total if you plan to use additional injectors. Look at the E-manage manual, find your car, and find out how many wires you need for igntion control and for injector control. Most cars don't use all the wires – 4 cylinder and rotary cars especially. The ignition harness comes with 12 wires and an extra connector to plug into the E-manage. NOTE: You can buy JUST the ignition harness and use the extra wires for the injector harness. You can also directly control 2 additional injectors as well.

With this harness, you can directly add pulsewidth to the stock injectors and datalog their activity. Optional Injection Harness – This splices into the stock fuel injectors for control and logging.
It plugs into your computer via the serial port and into the E-manage with a USB plug. NOTE: This serial to USB cable is a special cable of some kind – it doesn't seem to have any advanced logic, but it is weird and special enough that you can't just get one at a computer store. You really need to have the Support Tool for the E-manage to be of any value.
The software unlocks the full potential of the E-manage – 16x16 fuel maps, changing airflow meters, using the other optional harnesses, etc. The cable is proprietary, and not a standard cable. Included in the kit is a serial to USB cable and a CD with the Support Tool software. The unit by itself is VERY basic – there are 5 knobs you can adjust on the front of the unit to do a VERY rough fuel map with.Į-manage Support Tool – Now we're getting somewhere. Let's break each one down.Į-manage main unit – the main brain of the whole deal. There are a number of components to the E-manage system.

Purchasing an E-manage and E-manage options If nothing else, the E-manage makes for a great stepping stone before going to a full stand-alone – you can learn to tune the car while having the factory fuel map to fall back on. It's hard to say at what point it's wiser to go with a stand-alone than a piggyback computer (ie the E-manage) – it really depends on how good the car's ECU is to begin with, the amount of modifications, etc. This gives the ultimate in flexibilty, but with a steep learning curve and a LOT of work required to tune in the fuel map properly. A stand-alone ECU replaces the entire fuel injection system with one that's designed to be easily programmable by a laptop computer. While the E-manage is very powerful and flexible, a full stand-alone ECU is even more powerful. By increasing or decreasing this signal, the ECU will alter the amount of fuel going into the engine. In its most basic form, the E-manage alters the primary airflow input to the car's ECU.

There are many additional options for the E-manage, allowing the user to put together a system that suits their needs. The intended purpose is to allow the user to fine-tune the fuel curve of the vehicle to take advantage of various modifications to the car.

The Greddy E-manage is a simple fuel computer designed for Japanese automobiles.